Most speakers of West Frisian live in the province of Friesland in the north of the Netherlands. In the early Middle Ages the Frisian lands stretched from the area around Bruges, in what is now Belgium, to the river Weser, in northern Germany. At that time, the Frisian language was spoken along the entire southern North Sea coast. Today this region is sometimes referred to as Greater Frisia or Frisia Magna, and many of the areas within it still treasure their Frisian heritage, even though in most places the Frisian language has been lost.
Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :
- Type 1 : Light complexion (medium light hair, light eyes, ...), brachymorphic, general robust features, squared-box face, high and broad forehead, little and broad nose that can get concave, deep jaw, wide-set eyes
~ Borreby

A very common type in Northern Europe, it is well representated in this area. A variant of this type is characterized by high cheekbones.

- Type 2 : Light complexion (blonde hair with ash-blonde shades, ...), leptomorphic, general robust features, high forehead, convex nose, large and strong jaw, pointy chin, close-set eyes
~ (Dinaricized) Nordid

Those dinaromorphic individuals remind us of the infamous "horsy" phenotype found in Dutch-speaking Belgium. On avarage, Frisians might appear to be more dinaromorphic than neighbouring Dutch people in Groningen. Still, rather Nordid people can be found (some of them looking like elongated variants of the first type) :

Final morphotypes :

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :
- Type 1 : Light complexion (medium light hair, light eyes, ...), brachymorphic, general robust features, squared-box face, high and broad forehead, little and broad nose that can get concave, deep jaw, wide-set eyes
~ Borreby
A very common type in Northern Europe, it is well representated in this area. A variant of this type is characterized by high cheekbones.
- Type 2 : Light complexion (blonde hair with ash-blonde shades, ...), leptomorphic, general robust features, high forehead, convex nose, large and strong jaw, pointy chin, close-set eyes
~ (Dinaricized) Nordid
Those dinaromorphic individuals remind us of the infamous "horsy" phenotype found in Dutch-speaking Belgium. On avarage, Frisians might appear to be more dinaromorphic than neighbouring Dutch people in Groningen. Still, rather Nordid people can be found (some of them looking like elongated variants of the first type) :
Final morphotypes :