Довольно интересные выводы обнаружились в недавном исследовании пигментации мужчин и женщин методом спектрофотометрии, с одновременным типированием очень большого набора генов могущих влиять на пигментацию:
Interestingly, our analysis of variation in skin color in Europe demonstrates a consistent difference in skin color between the sexes. By the DermaSpectrometer M index measure, males are more lightly pigmented than females in each of the four European countries we studied. The same trend in M index was reported previously in a sample of European Americans [38]. Our results in populations of European ancestry contradict earlier anthropological studies that have concluded females are more lightly pigmented than males in most populations (reviewed in [2]). One potential reason for the conflicting results is the different instruments used. In early studies, which used the Evans Electric Limited (EEL) and Photovolt broad-spectrum spectrophotometers, skin pigmentation estimates may be confounded by the hemoglobin level to a greater extent than for the DermaSpectrometer used in the present study [46].
PLoS ONE 7(10): e48294. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048294
Genome-Wide Association Studies of Quantitatively Measured Skin, Hair, and Eye Pigmentation in Four European Populations
Sophie I. Candille et al.
Статистически разница конечно малозначительна. Общим трендом является несколько более светлая кожа у мужчин и наоборот более светлая пигментация глаз и волос у женщин. Единственное статистически значимое различие обнаружилось в Ирландии, где волосы у мужчин значительно темнее чем у женщин.
Interestingly, our analysis of variation in skin color in Europe demonstrates a consistent difference in skin color between the sexes. By the DermaSpectrometer M index measure, males are more lightly pigmented than females in each of the four European countries we studied. The same trend in M index was reported previously in a sample of European Americans [38]. Our results in populations of European ancestry contradict earlier anthropological studies that have concluded females are more lightly pigmented than males in most populations (reviewed in [2]). One potential reason for the conflicting results is the different instruments used. In early studies, which used the Evans Electric Limited (EEL) and Photovolt broad-spectrum spectrophotometers, skin pigmentation estimates may be confounded by the hemoglobin level to a greater extent than for the DermaSpectrometer used in the present study [46].
PLoS ONE 7(10): e48294. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048294
Genome-Wide Association Studies of Quantitatively Measured Skin, Hair, and Eye Pigmentation in Four European Populations
Sophie I. Candille et al.
Статистически разница конечно малозначительна. Общим трендом является несколько более светлая кожа у мужчин и наоборот более светлая пигментация глаз и волос у женщин. Единственное статистически значимое различие обнаружилось в Ирландии, где волосы у мужчин значительно темнее чем у женщин.