
C Cеквенирование E E1b1b G I I1 I2 J J1 J2 N N1c Q R1a R1b Y-ДНК Австролоиды Альпийский тип Америнды Англия Антропологическая реконструкция Антропоэстетика Арабы Арменоиды Армия Руси Археология Аудио Аутосомы Африканцы Бактерии Балканы Венгрия Вера Видео Вирусы Вьетнам Гаплогруппы Генетика человека Генетические классификации Геногеография Германцы Гормоны Графики Греция Группы крови ДНК Деградация Демография в России Дерматоглифика Динарская раса Дравиды Древние цивилизации Европа Европейская антропология Европейский генофонд ЖЗЛ Живопись Животные Звёзды кино Здоровье Знаменитости Зодчество Иберия Индия Индоарийцы Интеръер Иран Ирландия Испания Исскуство История Италия Кавказ Канада Карты Кельты Китай Корея Криминал Культура Руси Латинская Америка Летописание Лингвистика Миграция Мимикрия Мифология Модели Монголоидная раса Монголы Мт-ДНК Музыка для души Мутация Народные обычаи и традиции Народонаселение Народы России Наши Города Негроидная раса Немцы Нордиды Одежда на Руси Ориентальная раса Основы Антропологии Основы ДНК-генеалогии и популяционной генетики Остбалты Переднеазиатская раса Пигментация Политика Польша Понтиды Прибалтика Природа Происхождение человека Психология РАСОЛОГИЯ РНК Разное Русская Антропология Русская антропоэстетика Русская генетика Русские поэты и писатели Русский генофонд Русь США Семиты Скандинавы Скифы и Сарматы Славяне Славянская генетика Среднеазиаты Средниземноморская раса Схемы Тохары Тураниды Туризм Тюрки Тюрская антропогенетика Укрология Уралоидный тип Филиппины Фильм Финляндия Фото Франция Храмы Хромосомы Художники России Цыгане Чехия Чухонцы Шотландия Эстетика Этнография Этнопсихология Юмор Япония генетика интеллект научные открытия неандерталeц

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понедельник, 28 января 2013 г.

Kleine Rassenkunde des deutschen Volkes; Hans Gunther

The Nordic race (tall, long-schmalgesichtig, with light skin, hair and eye color) is still sometimes called Homo Europaeus. Other names are still in use today barely, indeed almost forgotten.

The West-sized breed (small in stature, dolichocephalic, schmalgesichtig, with dark skin, hair and eye color) is mostly Mediterranean race or Homo mediterraneus-called, often also Mediterranean race.
The Dinaric race (tall, kurzköpfig, schmalgesichtig, with dark skin, hair and eye colors) has received its name in general use by the Dinaric Alps, a region most predominance of this breed. Some researchers want a separate Dinaric race (at least for now, before more detailed investigation) not accept, but to watch this race of men as a species, or only a branch of the Near Eastern race, look at the of the Near Eastern race different characteristics when blended mainly of northern origin.
The ostische race (just grown kurzköpfig, breitgesichtig, with dark skin, hair and eye color) is referred to mostly as an alpine race or homo alpinus, new recently-sometimes as a dark-ostisch. It has also recognize the breed as such, and not even see it as a branch of the intra-Asian race, as the western "Mongoloids," do that in Europe would have experienced all sorts of impacts of European breeds in particular umzüchtend acting readout direction.
The East Baltic race (just grown kurzköpfig, breitgesichtig, with light skin, hair and eye color) is designated as been Ostrasse or light-the-race ostische. Some researchers are still reluctant to acknowledge an East Baltic race, because they believe-ben, to watch the people concerned as a strike by approximate actual selection of a particular race-tion within the Asia-Nordic racial mixture.

As an impact that is important, particularly for the racial composition of Germany, the Westphalian breed (very tall, medium-and dolichocephalic, breitgesichtig with light skin, hair and eye color) are considered, apparently a continuation of the Paleolithic Cro race. It will also be characterized as dalische race, because you (wrongly) assumed that she was in the Swedish countryside Dalarne (= the valleys) over-represented. The term "Westphalian race" has been selected as the one German and European region, where an impact of this race today, most clearly seen seems to Westphalia. Several researchers want a separate Westphalian breed acknowledge not or still nen, but to watch these people beat as one (as it widened, coarse and heavy) variety of the Nordic race, or as a human impact, of wel-chem in prehistoric periods through reading the Nordic race had formed.

a) The Nordic race

She is tall, long legs, slim, with an average height of a man of about 1.74 meters. Strong-appear slim limbs, the neck, the outlines of the hands and feet. The Nordic race is dolichocephalic-schmalgesichtig with a length-width index of the head 75, a face index over 90 As with all breeds, at least the medium-and long-headed, seems to be the female head of GE compared to the male at a higher length-width index and low index-of-view tend to. For the Nordic head is characteristic of the cantilevered over the back of the head neck. The protruding part of the occiput is proportionality built low so that we see in northern man there is a large piece of the neck above the coat collar, which then swings over the back of the head backwards. The face is narrow with fairly narrow forehead, narrow, high-built nose and narrow lower jaw with prominent chin. The facial section of the Nordic race looks - at least in men - strange boldly by three times to-jump the line of the face cut: only in the area back sloping forehead, then in the springing of high nose straight or outwardly curved nose, and finally, the pronounced chin . The soft tissues supporting the expression of a clearly the subscribed face. In females, the forehead is usually more arched back than tilted back, the less sharply defined nose, the chin less stressed.

The skin of the Nordic race is rosy-bright and shining through it makes the blood so that they are particularly lively, it usually looks something cool or fresh. The facial skin is at least in adolescence and in women often still up in middle age "such as milk and blood."
The hair-covered plain smooth or wavy, curly and in childhood, the individual hair is soft and thin. The hair color is blonde, which can range from reddish undertone of most existing light blond to brown to gold to dark blonde. Nordic-tion children are often white blond. People who are blond in adolescence, later ter often dark blond, dark-haired and often: a phenomenon known as darkening and even in otherwise unnordischen conceives man as signs of a Nordic (or Westphalian or East Baltic) impact.
A portion of the red hair, if it is still reddish blonde or golden red, is still allowed to be designated as normal sporadically. Real chestnut hair comes in all but before Men's racial-a phenomenon known as the phenomenon Rutilismus or Erythrismus. The beard of the Nordic race is made of curly or curly blond to reddish-blond hair. The beard is fairly plentiful.

The northern eye, ie the iris, is blue, blue gray or gray. Often ha-ben Nordic eyes slightly radiating in itself, in certain affections also an expression that have felt the Romans in the (mainly Nordic) Germans as "a terrible sight".
The physical design of the Nordic race is apparently a special formal qualification supply for middle-distance running, throwing and jumping.

b) The western race

She is small in stature, but not stocky, but delicate, with a slim-average body height of a man of about 1.60 meters. The West sized shape resembles a scaled-Nordic, rather, the height of the legs accentuated than in the Nordic race. The hips of the West's wife diminish the impression of a lean little The head shape is the same as that of the Nordic race, but behaves well that the end-portionately slightly lower, even more off to the sides and up and back-rounded, which is more arched back than tilted back. The nose is relatively shorter-zer and rarely drawn as sharply as in the Nordic race, while inflected mostly straight or slightly bent, in rarer cases, perhaps even slightly. The chin is less stressed and more rounded. The whole section is so soft face, one might say, more feminine than in the Nordic race, the soft tissues contribute to this.

The hair is sleek, smooth, often curly; the single hair is soft and thin. The color of it is brown, dark brown or black. The eyebrows are probably up-ter than in the Nordic race, the lashes seem to be longer.
The beard is brown or black, the beard quite abundant.
The eyes are brown to dark brown with a warm hue.

West tables, but also Nordic-west and several people often appear to show a particularly gifted in fencing.

c) The Dinaric race

Their average body height in men may be about 1.73 meters. The breed is so tall, long legs, while coarse-slim. The arm length is relatively lower than the previously considered breeds, the joints less fine, the neck probably a little thicker or shorter.
The head form exhibits Kurzköpfigkeit united with Schmalgesichtigkeit. The head index may be about 85-87. The longitudinal diameter of the head but that is only slightly larger than the transverse diameter, because the back of the head barely goes over the neck, and in most cases cut off looks like. The high back of the head rises in many cases as an extension of the neck. The Schmalgesichtigkeit the Dinaric race is mainly due to the relatively long nose and high, firm chin, the forehead is probably mostly relatively wider than in the previously described races. The average face is given by a little back sloping forehead, a se-Na, which arises from a high nasal bridge, located in the cartilage part down lower - often with a pronounced angle (eagle nose) - and against lower fleshy end. The nose distinction Dewand (septum), submit to the Dinaric race lower down than the nose, so that in side view more of her looks than for the other European races. The chin is pretty high and rough, it is more rounded than in the Nordic region-specific race.

The soft parts: Mention was down against the fleshy nose ending, which shows mostly in the characteristic curved line remote fleshy wings. The lips are full, at least more diverse than that of the Nordic race.
More often than in the other European races occur deep cut folds, which lead down from the nostrils to the mouth. The upper lid has a "serious", he does not often an easy deck fold, which moves in the other European races of the upper eyelid, so the Dinaric eyelid often acts strangely smooth.
In Dinaric people there are often fleshy and rather large ears.
The skin is brownish.
The hair is usually curly, rarely simple; the single hair is thin and rather soft. The hair growth, even in the body hair is strong, the rich growth of beard-Lich. The hair is brown to black.
The eyes are brown to dark brown.

d) The ostische race

It is short, stocky growth, has therefore, in spite of approximately the same average body perhöhe as stocky breed but a very different picture than the petite-slim-tion westi race. The average height of about 1.63 ostischen man may be me-ter. Width soon expressed throughout the body into the squat, short stubby legs with their heavy calves and short wide feet, in the wide-round hand, which often has a little padded in itself, with short fingers. The Bec-ken of the female sex seems to be relatively narrower than in females of the other European races.
The head is broad-round and is sitting on a short, stocky neck with a tendency to "hump". The head index may be an average of about 88, the facial index of 83. The length-width index of the head is on the ostischen race so high, because the transverse diameter of the head is relatively significant. You can call the head ostischen a round head. He is only slightly arched your spine, while in the slightly arched occipital part built quite high, so that when OSTI between people over the coat collar, little is visible from the neck.

The face has a blunt cut by a steeply rising, round and back to the sides bulging forehead, a fairly flat-lying nose, short, low-built and dull on the upper lip, nose, seated, unspoken, wide, rounded chin.
The soft tissues supporting the impression of width, round and blunt with their fatty deposits and perhaps thicker skin covering. Fat is found more often move up to nose-mounted and, on the cheek bones (back bones), in and above the upper eyelid. The eyes are in the broad, round face - as opposed to the to-back lying deeply embedded eyes of the races so far considered - embedded flat forward and contribute small at lower and shorter Lidspatte, while often at upper eyelid outward pulling a little wrong. At the age receives ostische of-view something slightly spongy.

The skin is yellowish-brown and looks lifeless.
The hair is hard, sometimes almost taut. The individual hair is thick. The hair color is brown to black, and the growth of beard and body hair are apparently the spär-friendly than in the previously considered European races.
The eye color is brown to dark brown without the warm tone West African eyes.

f) The Westphalian breed

She is very tall, average, at least in males, slightly higher than the Nordic race, yet not as slim as this, but broad-high-grown, "box-like" heavy, bulky, burly yes. The massive repeated in detail: in the massive head shape in a rather stocky neck, n the large shoulder width and hip width also in no small man, even in the heavy joints.
The Westphalian race is wide (low) and long-faced-up mittelköpfig. It could be the Westphalian face with one of the top and compare the bottom broad depressed northern face, mainly compressed the eyes area and the nose had been shortened, the middle face would thus have had the bulk of the widening or Ver-bear shortening. The Westphalian head loads, such as the northern and western sized well over toward the back of the neck, but mostly in a more angular, more severe form.

The face section is given by a (opposite of the Nordic or the Dinari-specific race) less high brow, which rises slightly steeper than in the general, the Nordic-tion forehead by an umbrella-like thickening of the frontal bone over the orbits, which have not (as at a moderate intensity in the Nordic and Dinaric race) over eyes arches, but almost a passing above the nose over-augenwulst shows a deep back lying in their infiltration into lower cavity rather small appearing eyes, a powerful, long time and with rather blunt ended nose tip, but by a fitting, but in the rougher, less sold-acting form of acting but blunt chin. The whole lower jaw has moderately stressed by the mandibular angle.
The soft tissues supporting the impression of massive appearance by a stronger nasal labial fold (see p. 32) already at an early age, by a fold of the mouth to the chin by a fairly wide mouth with thin lips pressed acting. The horizontal line is emphasized in the face by the Westphalian Brauendä-cher, who stressed rather broad, hard-looking mouth, and the column, often protruding lower jaw angle. As in the East Baltic race the distance between the two inner eye corner from each other greater than in the other European races.
The skin is rosy-bright, in the face to the reddish-Hellen inclined, but without the definition of a special cheeks as in the Nordic race. The skin of the whole body makes a thicker, coarser than the impression of the Nordic or the West's race.
The hair is slightly harder than the narrow-faced races of Europe, apparently rarely simple, often wavy or curly as in the Nordic race. The hair is very dense and apparently aged very resilient. Its color is about the Nordic race, maybe a little more inclined to reddish.
The eye color is light, may be more inclined to gray than blue.

g) The Sudetic race

The yet to be described in detail Sudetic race has low-average height, about 1.60 meters in men.
The head, of relatively small size, having the appearance as a medium to kurzköp to call-fig, with a non-round, but egg-shaped design, in the view pointed from the top to the forehead, round to the slightly bulging occiput. The face of medium width with a strongly accentuated cheek bones (back bones), which often go further forward than the upper orbital rim, the face section is given by a steep, low forehead, flat nose Be a little outwardly flaring side walls, projecting, almost snout-like Related jaw forward and one unstressed, weak chin. The eyes are embedded flat, lying forward. Skin, hair and eye colors are dark.

3. Impacts of non-European races within populations of the German language

Apart from these races that we must because of their appearance in Europe since pre-historical-material time call European breeds, and you spend the first five, as they pure and mixed the bulk of the population of Europe make up that can identify five Euro-pean major races, , Europe and the German language area as well as relevant conservation of non-European races.

From Africa to the south of Europe has received a slight Negro's impact that could be achieved at times by various German and southern European connections, the German language area, most likely, as the visually teaches the south of the German language area. The bearer of such logging, such as Ital-ian workers or dealer may, and often covered such genetic or partially covered with have done that then become more obvious in their offspring conceived by German women to light. In the south and west of the German language area may be a more visible, very slight impact African negro go back even to Roman times, to those Africans who served in the Roman army. In the West today is the German-speaking area of this very slight impact was probably reinforced by the not inconsiderable "Black Shame", the impregnation of German women and girls by members of the North African troops in France on German soil.

From Asia reaches out to Central Europe, in descending from the east strength, a strike within the Asian (Mongolian) race. That impact in Russia is very much in certain areas, Hungary and Poland, less clearly perceptible even in the east of the German language area, most particularly in the field of German-Polish border and language in the racial mixtures of Vienna. In lesser admixture with other European breeds, is rarely to be decided whether certain characteristics or by ostischen, East Baltic and Sudeten or to explain for by intra-Asian touch are. After all, a certain emptiness of the flat face shows clearly wrong in outward pulling eyelids up and not at all clear in black or blue-black hair a taut inner Asian touch enough. In Holland (the Lower Franconian dialect area as the German language area is expected) shows at least in urban populations unmistakably a strike that is to be explained by Dutch-Malay compounds. Dutch-Malay marriages are not the Dutch legislation inhibited. From the Middle East ago extends into the west and north, decreasing a clear-felling of the Near Eastern race until far to Southeast Europe, first in northern Ukraine, in the South Slavic regions indistinct becoming, in Greece, but still very clear and noticeable in southern Italy , Sicily, Spain and others in my "racial science in Europe" (3rd edition, 1929) clearly identified Tenderer Ge. Mainly by German-East European links, especially by German-Jewish and German-Gypsy-like compounds, but also by a-wandering or durchwandernde Armenian merchants, a breed-specific impact of the vorderasiati invaded the German people.

The Near Eastern race is related to the Dinaric race, that is, together with their men-breed comes from the same root from which have to Dinaric vorderasiati-tion and race have evolved by selection in different directions. The pre-derasiatische breed is medium in size, it is stocky, with steeply sloping occipital kurzköpfig with a medium wide view. The eyes seem a little more to to lie in front than in the Dinaric race. The nose is more the impression of out-and hanging as the emergence Spring ends, probably in general too meaty than that of the Dinaric race and looks at the lower height of the Near Eastern race against the Dinaric nose seen as an even stronger, bulkier nose. The lips are more fleshy than that of the Dinaric race, sometimes even slightly bulging. The chin is lighter and more is back, so that in-between vorderasiati people especially to the curtains be fleshy nose often creates the impression of a receding lower jaw.

The Near Eastern race is prone to obesity, with fat deposits in the neck, to heavy double chin, especially in females. Your body hair and their beards are very strong. The thick eyebrows are often grown together over the Nasenwur-zel.
The Jewish people have a very strong Middle Eastern influence. Held most predominantly Asiatic is probably the Armenian people.

Through connections with members of peoples of North African origin or morgenländi exchanger the people of South East Europe and Southern Europe have also received a more or less significant impact Oriental breed. By compounds with representatives of such populations or German or German-Jewish-Gypsy-like compounds it also has the population of the German language area received a very slight touch of oriental race. Predominantly by strains of oriental breed originated the Semitic languages have been distributed. The Jewish people, derive from such a tribal-Semitic language was, on the soil of Palestine to the historical period mainly of a Middle Eastern Oriental racial mixtures with lower impacts of other races, including the Nordic and of a black. Oriental breed is of medium height, slender, langköp-fig, schmalgesichtig, with narrow, usually only in the lower third of curved, not very strong, projecting, and occasionally something lying flat nose, and again shows a rather deep, but always narrow nose . The lips are swollen slightly, much as a smile curved and pointed item appearing. Mouth and chin often emerge, while the lower lip, chin groove (chin groove, sulcus-tolabialis men) between deep resigns. The chin, lower lip sulcus is also often higher than other breeds, giving faces Oriental breed a distinctive train. Often, the lid opening is formed almond-shaped, ie the inner corner is more rounded, the outer longer drawn pointed, while opening for the eye moves slightly upwards to the outside.

The skin is quite light, often appear brighter than the skin of the West's race, but paler, not rosy brightness.
The hair is dark brown to black, usually curly, eye color is very dark.
The Oriental race is probably closest relatives of the West's, the one can be considered a slight variation of the other. Most pure, the oriental race today by th obtained from the Arab Bedouins.
Most important are the Oriental and the Near Eastern race for Europe through the parts of the Jewish people received under the European nations Live The Jews are not a religious community, as there are Jews of different beliefs and many so-called free-religious Jews who belong to any particular faith, the Jews are one people and, like all people, a mixture of different races. This is already been discussed above, p. 12. The Jews are therefore also not members of a "Semitic race". There are peoples of Semitic languages, and zn them have originally belonged to Jews, these people, however, represent very different racial mixtures, when provided with the Semitic languages have also been brought mainly by strains of oriental race. The linguistic expression of the Oriental breed soul must be sought with Renan in the Semitic languages. The Near East are originally the Caucasian race-Saxon (alarodischen) languages have been our own.

We distinguish two groups within the Jewish people. 1. The Südjuden (Sephardim), about one tenth of the total people constituting and forming in the main, the Jews of Africa, the Balkans, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and a part of Judaism in France, Holland and England, 2nd the Eastern European Jews (Ashkenazim), nine tenths of the total 15 million-strong nation and constituting the main part of Jewry in Russia, Poland, Galicia, Hungary, Austria and Germany, as in North America, a part of Judaism making in Western Europe.
The Südjuden are an Oriental-Asiatic-west manner-Hamitic-Nordic-neger sized racial mixture with predominance of the Oriental race, the Eastern Jews an Asiatic-Oriental-East Baltic-intra-Asia-Nordic-Hamitic-neger sized racial mixture with predominance of the Near Eastern race.

In total Jewish people has mentally most of the hereditary predisposition enforced Near Eastern race, each more or less modified by the other impacts that are characteristic of the Jewish people. This spiritual inner world, corresponding to their racial character of the hardening of the European peoples, especially the north-western Europe, differ due today as so-called Jews felt burning question. The religious difference between Jews Mosaic creed-knowledge and the peoples of other faiths in which they live, play in Eastern Europe still here and there a role in the West long gone. It is wrong to regard the so-called Jewish question as a Mosaic-Christian opposition. Equally wrong it is to want to understand the so-called Jewish question as an economic issue. Certainly, the main representative of the overwhelming international loan capital and Jews are the Jews, such as tax lists show, many wealthy than the average non-Jews of the same territory, but the Jewish question is therefore by no means covers the issue of capitalism. It is reached by the economic influence of mental superiority of a nation of non-European racial origin, has actually created a Jewish question. The Jewish question is an international question-and-biological.
