Chernigov (North-Eastern) Ukrainians:
Dniestr (South-Western) Ukrainians:
Bukovina (South-Western) Ukrainians:
Ukrainians (females) of the Central Ukraine and the Huzul region:
Ukrainians (females) of the Huzul region:
Ukrainians (females) of the Khotin region:
Carpathian Ukrainians:
Western Polessian (Northern) Ukrainians:
Steppe (Southern) Ukrainians:
Volyn (North-Western) Ukrainians:
Volyn and Cental Ukrainians:
That Slavicanthroforum was dead, but managed to recapture the pictures for a re-posting here:
Here's one from Dienekes via Dodona:
Anthropological appearance of Ukrainian population:
I always pictured them more like this (I think you can confirm if this is right)