
Австролоиды Альпийский тип Америнды Англия Антропологическая реконструкция Антропоэстетика Арабы Арменоиды Армия Руси Археология Аудио Аутосомы Африканцы Бактерии Балканы Венгрия Вера Видео Вирусы Вьетнам Гаплогруппы генетика Генетика человека Генетические классификации Геногеография Германцы Гормоны Графики Греция Группы крови Деградация Демография в России Дерматоглифика Динарская раса ДНК Дравиды Древние цивилизации Европа Европейская антропология Европейский генофонд ЖЗЛ Живопись Животные Звёзды кино Здоровье Знаменитости Зодчество Иберия Индия Индоарийцы интеллект Интеръер Иран Ирландия Испания Исскуство История Италия Кавказ Канада Карты Кельты Китай Корея Криминал Культура Руси Латинская Америка Летописание Лингвистика Миграция Мимикрия Мифология Модели Монголоидная раса Монголы Мт-ДНК Музыка для души Мутация Народные обычаи и традиции Народонаселение Народы России научные открытия Наши Города неандерталeц Негроидная раса Немцы Нордиды Одежда на Руси Ориентальная раса Основы Антропологии Основы ДНК-генеалогии и популяционной генетики Остбалты Переднеазиатская раса Пигментация Политика Польша Понтиды Прибалтика Природа Происхождение человека Психология Разное РАСОЛОГИЯ РНК Русская Антропология Русская антропоэстетика Русская генетика Русские поэты и писатели Русский генофонд Русь Семиты Скандинавы Скифы и Сарматы Славяне Славянская генетика Среднеазиаты Средниземноморская раса Схемы США Тохары Тураниды Туризм Тюрки Тюрская антропогенетика Укрология Уралоидный тип Филиппины Фильм Финляндия Фото Франция Храмы Хромосомы Художники России Цыгане Чехия Чухонцы Шотландия Эстетика Этнография Этнопсихология Юмор Япония C Cеквенирование E E1b1b G I I1 I2 J J1 J2 N N1c Q R1a R1b Y-ДНК

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суббота, 21 сентября 2013 г.


It's been said that modern Greeks are racially different from their ancient predecessors, having over the centuries mixed with slaves and foreigners, including Negroids, and lost an allegedly Nordic character. The scientific data, however, shows tremendous continuity and near purity among Greeks, as well as a virtual absence of Nordic racial elements since the beginning of Greek history.

"It is inaccurate to say that the modern Greeks are different physically from the ancient Greeks; such a statement is based on an ignorance of the Greek ethnic character.... The Greeks, in short, are a blend of [sub]racial types, of which two are most important: the Atlanto-Mediterranean and the Alpine. Dinaricism here is present, but not all pervading; true Alpines are commoner than complete Dinarics. The Nordic element is weak, as it probably has been since the days of Homer. The racial type to which Socrates belonged [Alpine] is today the most important, while the Atlanto-Mediterranean, prominent in Greece since the Bronze Age, is still a major factor. It is my personal reaction to the living Greeks that their continuity with their ancestors of the ancient world is remarkable, rather than the opposite."


In a sample of 125 Greeks from Thessaloniki and Sarakatsani, 2 Asian-specific mtDNA sequences (M and D) were detected (1.6%). No sub-Saharan African genes were observed in this population. Therefore, non-Caucasoid maternal ancestry in Greece is very low, as elsewhere in Europe.

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In a sample of 366 Greeks from thirteen locations in continental Greece, Crete, Lesvos and Chios, a single African haplogroup A Y-chromosome was found (0.3%). This marks the only instance to date of sub-Saharan DNA being discovered in Greece. In another sample of 42 Greeks, one sequence of the Siberian Tat-C haplogroup turned up. Note that other studies with larger sample populations have failed to detect this paternal marker in the Greek gene pool (e.g. Malaspina et al. 2000Weale et al. 2001), and that its frequencies are actually much higher in Scandinavian and Slavic populations.

(Di Giacomo et al. 2003;
Helgason et al. 2000)

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In this autosomal DNA plot of genetic distances derived from 120 allele frequencies, Greeks fall entirely within the cluster containing Caucasoid populations (upper right corner), wedged between Basques and Northern Europeans, and far away from Africans and Asians:
(Cavalli-Sforza, Menozzi and Piazza, 1994)

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A recent paper has detected clades of haplogroups J and E3b that were likely not part of pre-historic migrations into Europe, but rather spread by later historical movements. Greeks possess none of the lineages denoting North African ancestry within the last 5000 years, and have only 2% (3/148) of the marker J-M267, which may reflect more recent Middle Eastern admixture.

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An analysis of 10 autosomal allele frequencies in Southern Europeans (including Greeks, Cretans and other islanders) and various Middle Eastern and North African populations revealed a "line of sharp genetic change [that] runs from Gibraltar to Lebanon," which has divided the Mediterranean into distinct northern and southern clusters since at least the Neolithic period. The authors conclude that "gene flow was more the exception than the rule," attributing this result to "a joint product of initial geographic isolation and successive cultural divergence, leading to the origin of cultural barriers to population admixture."

Racial Types
 Alpine (Sparta)
Dinaric (Epirus)
Mediterranean (Crete)