During the Roman rule, the region was part of the province of Pannonia. Although, some earlierSlavic settlements had probably existed in the area, the ancestors of modern Slovenes moved from eastern Alps and settled in Prekmurje after Franks defeated the Avars during the reign of Charlemagne. In the 9th century, this area was part of the Slavic state known as the Balaton Principality. This political entity in which all the ancestors of modern Slovenes were united under one ruler was soon destroyed by the Magyar invaders who conquered the Pannonian plain and was incorporated it into the Kingdom of Hungary.
Sample :
Brief anthropological analysis :
- Type 1 : Light complexion, leptomorphic, leptoprosopic yet probably brachycephalic, narrow eyes, long and narrow arched nose, high forehead, large jaw, pointy chin
~ Dinarid

A very common type in Eastern Europe abundantly found in the Balkans for instance. Contrary toLittoral Slovenia, that type is quite prevailing here amongst men.- Type 2 : Intermediate complexion (from dark to medium blonde hair), brachymorphic, large square-shaped head, little and distanced oblique eyes, low orbits, broad and straight nose, weak browridges, large jaw, receding chin
~ Alpinid/Gorid

Brief anthropological analysis :
- Type 1 : Light complexion, leptomorphic, leptoprosopic yet probably brachycephalic, narrow eyes, long and narrow arched nose, high forehead, large jaw, pointy chin
~ Dinarid
~ Alpinid/Gorid
Another common type in Eastern Europe. More elongated and rather Balkanic-looking variants are found as well : dark features, rather slanted eyes on some individuals, full lips, strong jaw, ...

- Final morphotypes :