Говорят, Юля с жидам спиздили все украинское золото - 40 тонн.
Нету больше у хохлов золотого запасу.
Кто в курсе - тот знает про германское золото, хи-хи
Жиды уверяют, что отдали пиндосам на хрананеие.
Но вот, даже американские спекулянты и аналитики подозревают, что золотишко отправили на переплавку в Швейцарию для Юли и жидов.
Official narrative: gold bullion is going to USA (maybe to reassure the Germans their gold is in safe hands, after all the despite numerous requests from the German Govt The Feds have not given access for them to even view their Gold Bullion) . Real narrative: probably to Switzerland where it is divided between Yulia Tymoshenko and her cronies.
Ну, и конечно жрите "европеские ценности", не подавитесь.
Пенсии хохлам урезать на 50%.
“The Finance Ministry has prepared a plan for optimizing budget expenditures, which implies budget sequestration is to be in force before the end of March. For this purpose, in particular, it has been proposed to reduce capital costs, eliminate tax schemes and preferences and to cut social benefits, for example, 50 percent of pensions to working pensioners,” Kommersant-Ukraine reported.
ХА-ХА-ХА, Хохлочурки... Славяно-арии ХА-ХА-ХА.
Нету больше у хохлов золотого запасу.
Кто в курсе - тот знает про германское золото, хи-хи
Was The Price Of Ukraine's "Liberation" The Handover Of Its Gold To The Fed?
Жиды уверяют, что отдали пиндосам на хрананеие.
Но вот, даже американские спекулянты и аналитики подозревают, что золотишко отправили на переплавку в Швейцарию для Юли и жидов.
Official narrative: gold bullion is going to USA (maybe to reassure the Germans their gold is in safe hands, after all the despite numerous requests from the German Govt The Feds have not given access for them to even view their Gold Bullion) . Real narrative: probably to Switzerland where it is divided between Yulia Tymoshenko and her cronies.
Ну, и конечно жрите "европеские ценности", не подавитесь.
Пенсии хохлам урезать на 50%.
“The Finance Ministry has prepared a plan for optimizing budget expenditures, which implies budget sequestration is to be in force before the end of March. For this purpose, in particular, it has been proposed to reduce capital costs, eliminate tax schemes and preferences and to cut social benefits, for example, 50 percent of pensions to working pensioners,” Kommersant-Ukraine reported.
ХА-ХА-ХА, Хохлочурки... Славяно-арии ХА-ХА-ХА.