Eickstedt did not use Atlantid, its from Lundman. There is no Nord Atlantid as opposed to Atlantid, Atlantid and Nord Atlantid (North-Atlantic in English) are just the longer and shorter forms Lundman used in his work, at one point he also uses Atlantid North-Western as an alternative again to Nord-Atlantid. Lundman's Atlantid /Nord Atlantid was Deniker's Northwestern , a sub type of the Atlanto-Mediterranean. Deniker only describes it as "sub-dolichocephalic with chestnut hair, often brown" and being "found chiefly in a the north-west of Ireland, in Wales and the east of Belgium." Coon mentions that Deniker's Northwestern as "a name given by Deniker to a blue-eyed dark-haired racial element in Ireland, which he considered to be a segment of the Atlanto-Mediterranean race."
Some European authors used Atlantic for a taller variety of Mediterranean and Cro-Magnon, while other authors used Atlantic for a type of Nordic or Nordic-Cromagnon mix, while other authors combined the two.
I"ve covered that already. That is a fraud shopped by someone on race boards, dont post it. The "White East Med" is is Lundman's West Mediterranid(Gracile Mediterranean). His Arabid drawing is also altered.
East Mediterranean are Pontic Mediterraneans and Long Faced(Irano-Afghan type) under Lundman and Bunak. Eickstedt's Orientalid is also the Irano-Afghan. The Indids/NordIndids fall into the Eastern Mediterranean.
Lundman doesnt mention Arabid as East Mediterranean and he groups it among the low skulled peoples which is much of western Europe.
The Arabid race (i.e., the Bedouins, et al.) is distinguished from the West-Mediterranean race almost only by a nevertheless unusually large number of small, but very characteristic facial traits (See Figure 10). These include the almond eyes, the "Semitic smile" (conditioned by unusually deep Fossa canina), etc. This race had in earlier times a broader-formed Syrid subrace, which was found among the farmers of the "Fertile Crescent." It is now only typical of the Jews.
+ West-Mediterranean Race: horizontal eye-socket, with a more virile Basquid subrace. The ABO-allelic relationships, and also
the Rh-system, are very unique in several ways in this subrace.
+ + Arabid Race: slanted eye-socket and almond eyes. Differentiated from the preceding races in facial morphology and facial
dynamics. Also a very narrow and sloping forehead, with a distinct rhombicshaped face. A Syrid subrace, with a lower
frequency of blood type gene r.
Lundman's sketch drawings are actually based off of actual photographs in circulation, just modified and quality rendering not so great:
Modeled on this Greek plate :
West Mediterranean (i.e. Gracile Mediterranean):
Modeled on this:
His arabid :
modeled on this Jew :
Some European authors used Atlantic for a taller variety of Mediterranean and Cro-Magnon, while other authors used Atlantic for a type of Nordic or Nordic-Cromagnon mix, while other authors combined the two.
I"ve covered that already. That is a fraud shopped by someone on race boards, dont post it. The "White East Med" is is Lundman's West Mediterranid(Gracile Mediterranean). His Arabid drawing is also altered.
East Mediterranean are Pontic Mediterraneans and Long Faced(Irano-Afghan type) under Lundman and Bunak. Eickstedt's Orientalid is also the Irano-Afghan. The Indids/NordIndids fall into the Eastern Mediterranean.
Lundman doesnt mention Arabid as East Mediterranean and he groups it among the low skulled peoples which is much of western Europe.
The Arabid race (i.e., the Bedouins, et al.) is distinguished from the West-Mediterranean race almost only by a nevertheless unusually large number of small, but very characteristic facial traits (See Figure 10). These include the almond eyes, the "Semitic smile" (conditioned by unusually deep Fossa canina), etc. This race had in earlier times a broader-formed Syrid subrace, which was found among the farmers of the "Fertile Crescent." It is now only typical of the Jews.
+ West-Mediterranean Race: horizontal eye-socket, with a more virile Basquid subrace. The ABO-allelic relationships, and also
the Rh-system, are very unique in several ways in this subrace.
+ + Arabid Race: slanted eye-socket and almond eyes. Differentiated from the preceding races in facial morphology and facial
dynamics. Also a very narrow and sloping forehead, with a distinct rhombicshaped face. A Syrid subrace, with a lower
frequency of blood type gene r.
Lundman's sketch drawings are actually based off of actual photographs in circulation, just modified and quality rendering not so great:
Modeled on this Greek plate :
West Mediterranean (i.e. Gracile Mediterranean):
Modeled on this:
His arabid :
modeled on this Jew :