From his book THE RACES OF MAN:
We have in Europe, to begin with two fair-haired races, one dolicochalic, of very tall stature(Northern Race), and another, sub-brachycephalic, comparatively short(eastern Race). Then four dark-hairedraces; two of short stature, one of which (Ibero-Insular) is dolicocephalic, the other (Cevenole or Western) brachycephalic; and two of high stature, of which one is sub-dolicocephalic (Littoral), the other brachycephalic (Adriatic). Among the four secondary races two have a relation to the fair-haired race, while the two others may be considered as intermediate between the fair and the dark haired races.
1. Fair, dolicocephalic race of very high stature, which may be called the Northern Race, because its representatives are grouped together almost exclusively in the north of Europe. Principal characters; very lofty stature (im. 73 on an average); fair, sometimes reddish, wavy hair; light eyes, for the most part blue; elongated dolicocephalic head (cephalic index on the living subject from 76- 790; ruddy white skin, elongated face, prominent nose. The race of this type, or or slightly modified, of whose principal traits Figs. 88 to 92 give a fairly good representation is in Sweden, Denmark, Norway(with exception of the west coast); in the north of Scotland; on the east coast and in the North of England, in Ireland (with exception of the North-West), in the northern Faroe Isles, in Holland (north of the Rhine); in the Frisian countries, in Oldenberg, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg; lastly in the Baltic provinces of Russia, and among the Tavasts of Finland. It is the Cymic race of Broca, the Germanic race(the race of the row -graves) of German authors, or, in fine, the Homo Europeus of Lapouge.
To this race is related a secondary race, fair, mesocephalic, of tall stature, called Sub-Northern, with angular face, turned-up nose, straight hair; it is found especially in Northern Germany, among the Letto-Lithuanians, in Finland, and on the west coast of Norway (in Figs. 89 and 90).

2. Fair, sub-brachycephalic, short race, or Eastern race, so styled because its representatives are almost exclusively grouped together in the east of Europe. principal characters: stature somewhat short (im. 63 to 64 on an average), moderately rounded head (cephalic index, 82 to 83 on the living subject),straight, light yellow or flaxen hair, square-cut face, nose frequently turned up, blue or grey eyes. The representatives of this race are the White Russians, the Polieshchooki of the Pinsk marshes, and certain Lithuanians. Blended with others this type is frequent among the Vielkorousses or Great Russians of Northern and Central Russia, as well as in Finland and Eastern Prussia (Figs. 104 and 105, modified type).
With this race we have to connect a secondary race, fair mesocephalic, of very short stature (Vistulian race)), the characters of which are frequently met among the Poles, the Kashoobs, and the probably Saxony and Silesia.

3. Dark, dolicopcephalic, short race, called Ibero-Insular, because it is chiefly found in the Iberian peninsula and the islands of the western Mediterranean. It is found, however somewhat softened, in France ( Angoumois, Limousin, and the Perigord) and in Italy (to the south of Rome-Asoli line). Principal characters: very short stature (im 61 to 62 on the average), very elongated head (cephalic index averaging 73 to 76 on the living subject), black, often curled, hair, very dark eyes, tawny skin, straight or turned up nose, ect. It forms, partly, the "Mediterranean race" of Sergi, or Homo meridionalis of certain authors(Ripley, Lapouge). Figures 99 and 100 represent traits of this race, but modified by intermixtures.

4.Dark,very brachycephalic, short race, named the Western or Cevenole race, because in of the localisation of its most chartcteristic type in the extreme west of Europe,in Cevennes, on the central table-land of France, and also in the western Alps. But is met with, a little modified,in Britanny(with exception of Morbiihan)in, Poitou, Quercy, the middle valley of the Po, in Umbria, in part of Tuscany, in Transylvania, and probably the middle of Hungary. Blended with other races, its found again in a number of points in Europe, from the basin of the middle Loire to that of the Dneiper, passing through Piedmont, central and Eastern Switzerland, Carinthia, Moravia, Galicia, and Podonlia, In Southern Italy it is blended with the Ibero-insular race. it is the Celtic or Rhethia race, the Celto-Slav, Ligurians orCelto-Ligurian race of some anthropologists, the Homo Alpinus of others. it is characterized by a very rounded skull (average ceph, ind. on the living subject from 85-87); by shortness of stature(im. 63 or rm 64 on an average); by brown or black hair, light or dark brown eyes, rounded thick set figure (Fig. 98, perceptibly softened type of this race).

5.Dark, mesocephalic, tall race, Littoral or Atlanto-Mediterranean race, so styles because it is found in a pure or mixed state along the shores of the Mediterranean from Gibraltar to mouth of the Tibur, and on several points of the Atlantic coast, from the straits of Gibraltar to the mouth of the Guadalquivair, on the Bay of Biscay, in the lower valley of the Loire, ect. It is not met with anywhere at a greater distance that 120 or 150 miles from the sea. This Littoral race is still little studied; it is distinguished by its moderate dolichocephaly or mesocephaly (ceph. ind. on living subjects 79 to 80), by its stature above the average (im. 66), and very deep colouring of the hair and eyes. It corresponds pretty well with the "Mediterranean race" of Houze, and with the Cro-Magnon race of certain authors. It is probably with the Littoral race that we must connect a secondary so-called North-Western race, tall, sub-dolichocephalic, with chestnut hair, often almost brown. It found chiefly in a the north-west of Ireland(Fig. 93), in Wales(Fig. 19) and the east of Belgium.

6. Dark, brachycephalic, tall race, called Adriatic or Dinaric, because its purest representatives are met along the coast of the Northern Adriatic and especially in Bosnia, Dalmatia, and Croatia They are also found in Rumania, Venetia, among the Slovenes, the Ladinos of the Tyrol, the Romansch of Switzerland, as well as in the population of the tract of country which extends south to north from Lyons to Liege, at first between the Loire and the Saone, then on to the table-land of Langres, in the upper valleys of the Saone and the Moselle, and into the Ardennes. In all these parts the Adriatic race appears essential characters: loafty stature(im. 68 to im. 72 on average), extreme brachycephaly(ceph. ind. 85-86), brown or black wavy hair, dark eyes, straight eyebrows; elongated face, delicate straight or aquiline nose; slightly tawny skin. The same characters, somewhat softened, are met with among the populations of lover valley of te Po, of the north-west of Bohemia, in Roman Switzerland, in Alsace, in the middle basin of the Loire, among the Polish and Ruthenian mountainers of the Carpathian's, and lastly among Albanians and the inhabitants of Servia.
We may connect with this principal race a secondary race, not quite so tall (medium stature im 66) and less brachycephalic (average ceph. ind. 82 to 85), but having lighter hair and eyes. This race, which we might call Sub-Adriatic , springing probably from blending of the principal race with tall, fair mesocephals (secondly Sub-northern race), is found in Perche, Champagne, Alsace-Lorranine, the Vosges, Frache-comte, Luxemburg, Zealand(Holland), the Rhenish provinces, Bavaria, the South-east of Bohemia, German Austra the central district of the Tyrol, and part of Lombardy and the Venetia. it partly corresponds with the Lorraine Race of Collignon.
Some Eastern European Plates:

The Races and Peoples of America

Races And Peoples of Oceania

Adding some more plates from the Book:

Some Africans:
