It would be more like that:
Finnish/estonian /Swedish/Norwegians/Iceland 80% -90% of light eyes
Danish/Dutch, Baltic people (minus estonia) 70-80% of light eyes
Ireland 70%
Germans/Russian/Polish 65-70% of light eyes
English/Scottish 60-65% of light eyes
Belgium/Austrians/Swiss Germans/Czech 60% light eyes
welsh,Northern French, Slovenes, Hungarians. 50% of light eyes
Slavs, Balkanites, Southern france. 40% of light eyes
Mainland Italians. 30-35 % of light eyes
Iberians. 25-30% of light eyes
Sicilians, Maltese. 25% of light eyes
Greeks, Cretans. 20% of light eyes
Cypriots. 10-20% light eyes
About eye color sounds right: